
About HVL > Policies

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Smile! We may take photos, videos and record audio of people enjoying the library’s programs and events. These images may be used for publicity purposes in print and electronic media, or ultimately published on the Internet. If you do not wish your image to be published, please notify a staff member.

Photo Release

The Huntingdon Valley Library staff may take photographs of participants, individually or in groups, attending or taking part in Library programs and activities. These photographs may appear in future Library publications or other Library publicity. Library patrons may not take photographs or videos of other patrons or staff without the permission of the Library Administrator or designated person. Attendees and/or participants consent to having their photograph taken and used for such purposes.

If a library patron does not wish himself/herself or his/her child to be photographed, the patron must notify the Library staff to that effect.
Approved March 12, 2015 by the Board of Trustees


Huntingdon Valley Library maintains library display case(s) for the display of non-commercial exhibits that the library staff determines to be of interest to visitors.  The Library staff will only consider exhibits related to community organizations and individuals engaged in education, cultural, intellectual or charitable activities.  The Library will receive request for the display case of exhibits, which the Library staff determines to be within the common interest of the public and consistent with the mission of the Huntingdon Valley Library.  The cases are not available for religious, political, or legislative advocacy.

Requests to display exhibits shall be directed to the Director, who will determine if a proposed display is in compliance with this policy.

Even if a proposed exhibit is found to be in compliance with library policy, the library staff may decline to display it, as library displays will take precedence over any other use of the display case(s).

The presence of a particular display does not necessarily indicate that the Library either advocates or endorses the viewpoints of the exhibits or exhibitors.

Additional Conditions of Display

  1. Displays must conform to the space restrictions of the assigned area and be securely affixed.
  2. Individuals and organizations providing materials for displays may be acknowledged with a sign not larger than 11” x 17” indicating who is providing the display and contact information may be included here.
  3. Displays may be in place for up to four (4) week. The Library reserves the right to limit the frequency, length, and placement of exhibits.
  4. The display cases are not available for commercial use. The Library will not sell items from the display case nor will selling prices be displayed.
    1. The exception to this is when Huntingdon Valley Library merchandise is being sold, the sale is a fundraiser benefiting the Library or Friends of Huntingdon Valley Library, or a waiver has been granted by the Library Director.
  5. The Library assumes no responsibility for damage to or theft of items showcased.

The owner of the displayed items is responsible for retrieving the items at the conclusion of the display period or earlier if notified.
Approved September 8, 2016 by the Board of Trustees

Bulletin Board Policy

Library bulletin boards are available for the posting of notices related to library business or library-sponsored activities and public service items of educational, cultural or civic interest to the community. Posting of notices does not indicate Library endorsement of the ideas, issues or events promoted by those notices.

Library bulletin boards are not intended as a forum for the expression of the views or opinions of individuals or groups.

Any notice to be considered for posting must be submitted to Library management for approval. Only authorized Library personnel may post or remove notices. Notices posted without authorization will be removed.

All notices posted on the Library bulletin board must contain the name and contact information of the sponsoring agency and/or its authorized representative.

Notice size (physical dimensions) may be restricted to maximize available space.

Notices will be removed when they are no longer timely or when space is required for more current items.

The Library assumes no responsibility for the preservation or protection of any materials delivered for posting. Materials will not be returned.

The following may not be accepted for posting:

  • Materials endorsing or opposing the election of any candidate for public office
  • Materials endorsing or opposing the adoption of federal, state or local legislation

Posting authorization is based on the provisions of this policy and not on the content, viewpoints, beliefs or affiliations of the organizations permitted to post notices. Failure to comply with this policy may result in denial of posting privileges.

Adopted January 9, 2020 by the Board of Trustees

Patron Code of Conduct

Welcome to Huntingdon Valley Library. We are dedicated to providing a welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment for all community members. To ensure a positive experience for everyone, we ask that all patrons adhere to the following guidelines.

By using the library, you agree to adhere to this Patron Code of Conduct. Thank you for helping us maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for all!

General Respect

  • Library patrons must respect the rights and dignity of others. Harassment, discrimination, intimidation, or any form of disruptive behavior is strictly prohibited.
  • All library patrons are welcome regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or economic status.

Prohibited Behaviors.
The following behaviors are not allowed in the library:

  1. Illegal Behavior
  • Engaging in any activity in violation of Federal, State, local or other applicable law, or Library policy, including but not limited to the Unattended Children Policy, Internet Use Policy, Wireless Policy, and Use of Library Meeting Rooms Policy.
  • Displaying obscene or sexually explicit materials or Internet sites in violation of federal, state or local laws, and/or library policies (see Title 18 of the Pennsylvania Code, Section 5903 and the Library Internet Use policy).
  • Engaging in violent, harassing, unsafe or threatening behavior including but not limited to staring at, stalking, blocking or following staff or other library users, throwing objects, or any obscene acts.
  • Being under the influence of alcohol/illegal drugs, or selling, using, or possessing alcohol/illegal drugs.
  • Damaging or stealing property of the Library, a Library user, or staff member will result in police action.
  • Trespassing in nonpublic areas or being in the Library without permission of an authorized Library employee before or after Library operating hours.
  1. Disruptive Behavior
  • Interfering with library operations or the enjoyment of the library by others through loud talking, loud audio, use of profanity, or any form of running, screaming, or fighting.
  • Soliciting or conducting unauthorized surveys or activities within the library.
  • Neglecting personal hygiene to the extent that it affects others’ enjoyment of the library.
  1. Safety and Supervision
  • Leaving children under the age of 10 unattended or failing to supervise adults who may require assistance.
  • Bringing pets or animals into the library, except for authorized service animals.
  • Blocking entrances, hallways, or other common areas.
  1. Use of Facilities
  • Using library restrooms for sleeping, bathing, or changing clothes.
  • Sleeping, standing or jumping on furniture.
  • Eating or drinking while using library computers.
  • Entering or remaining in the library without appropriate attire.
  • Tampering with emergency equipment.
  1. Technology and Materials
  • Misuse of library materials, technology, and furniture. Report any damage or problems to staff.
  • Loud use of electronic devices. Use with headphones, to avoid disturbing others.
  • Do not leave personal items unattended. The library is not liable for lost or stolen items.
  1. Programming
  • The Library provides programming for a variety of target audiences and reserves the right to restrict participation in library programming to members of that target audience.

Enforcement of the Code of Conduct

  • Library staff will enforce these rules fairly and reasonably. In most cases, a verbal warning will be issued for inappropriate behavior.
  • If disruptive behavior continues, the individual will be directed to leave the library.
  • In cases of illegal, threatening or dangerous conduct, law enforcement will be contacted.
  • Violators may face temporary or permanent bans from the library and potential legal action for repeated offenses.

Appeals Process

  • Individuals banned from the Library for more than one week will receive written notification from the Library Director and may appeal the decision by requesting a hearing with the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, within twenty (20) business days of notification.

Approved by the Board of Trustees: October 13, 2016

Updated January 2025

PDF Version Code of Conduct Oct 2016

PDF Version of Code of Conduct Jul 2020

PDF Version of Code of Conduct Jan 2025

Service Policy

The Huntingdon Valley Library is a 501(c)3 non-profit public library. The Library’s primary service area consists of Lower Moreland Township, and as a member of ACCESS PA its facilities are open to patrons from across Pennsylvania.

To provide a vibrant welcoming environment where everyone will engage, explore and enjoy.

The service policy of the Huntingdon Valley Library informs library users of the terms and conditions under which materials are loaned at the Library. Library service and borrowing privileges for cardholders in good standing will be available without discrimination to individuals of every race, color, Religion, ancestry, age, sex, national origin, handicap or disability, use of guide or support animals because of blindness, deafness or physical handicap of the user or because the user is a handler or trainer or support of guide animals, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. The Library Code Act of June 14, 1961, P.L. 324, as amended through July 4, 2004 S 4415 states that every library, established and/or maintained under the provisions of this act, shall be free to the use of all the residents and taxpayers of the municipality, subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the board of library trustees may adopt, and the board may exclude from the use of the library any such person who willfully violates such rules. The board may extend the privileges of such library to persons residing outside the limits of such municipality upon such terms and conditions as the board may prescribe.


Library Card:
To access the collection, borrowers must possess a Pennsylvania Library card that gives them access to Huntingdon Valley Library’s collection. This can be a card issued from Huntingdon Valley Library, from any Montgomery County Library & Information Consortium (MCLINC) affiliated library, or from a Pennsylvania library that participates in the ACCESS PA program.

How to get a Huntingdon Valley Library card:
Any permanent resident of or individual who pays property taxes in Lower Moreland Township is eligible to register for a free borrower’s card, renewable every 3 years. A patron must display proof of identity and residency in Lower Moreland Township in order to obtain a Huntingdon Valley Library card. There is no minimum age to obtain a borrower’s card. Residents under the age of 18 will be issued a card with a juvenile status after receiving his/her parent or guardian’s consent. The parent or guardian who signed the library card application will be financially responsible for any materials borrowed on the youth’s card. All new permanent resident borrower cards include an ACCESS PA sticker, enabling the cardholder to borrow materials at other public libraries in Pennsylvania.

If a patron moves out of the Lower Moreland Township, we ask that they surrender their card from Huntingdon Valley and settle all outstanding fines associated with their account. Any changes of address must be made in person at the library, and proof of new address must be displayed.

There is a $2.00 replacement fee for lost cards.

Virtual cards on mobile devices will be accepted. The individual may be asked to verbally confirm registration details.

Cards that are reported lost or stolen will be blocked until the owner appears with identification.

Huntingdon Valley Library deems library users who allow third persons to use their library cards or library account information to have consented to the access of their private and confidential library use records by the recipients of their cards or account information.

Online Applications
Lower Moreland residents may apply for a library card online.

Acceptable Forms of Identification
Photo identification that contains the name and current address of the applicant is required for new cards. If the photo identification does not have a current address, the applicant must provide one additional piece of identification with that information. Acceptable forms of identification include: driver’s license; first class mail from a business source; government identification; utility bill; lease in applicant’s name; property tax bill; bank statements; LMHS student ID.

Renewing Library Card
To renew a card, the cardholder or representative must provide staff with an Acceptable Form of Identification as stated above, the library card barcode number, birthdate, address, and phone number.  MCLINC cards must be renewed every three years.  Other ACCESS PA library cards must be renewed every year.

Non-Residents of Lower Moreland Township
If you have a valid ACCESS PA Library card from your home library, you are welcome to sign up for guest borrowing privileges at Huntingdon Valley Library. You may then check out materials according to borrowing periods and limits from the Huntingdon Valley Library. You will be responsible, as our residents are, for returning on time and in good condition any materials checked out on your card. If you do not have a valid ACCESS PA Library card, you may use any materials in our Library; however you cannot borrow anything.

Montgomery County residents who do not have a home library in their township or borough, Bryn Athyn for example, may apply for a Montgomery County – Norristown library card through Huntingdon Valley.

Some collections and online services may be licensed or restricted for residents’ use only.

Temporary Cards for Montgomery County Residents
If you reside in Montgomery County and have valid identification you may be eligible to receive a temporary library card from another participant in MCLINC. You may fill out a library card application and receive a temporary card. The application will be mailed to your home library and your home library will mail you a permanent library card. Temporary card holders are eligible to take items out, however, they cannot access online databases. Temporary cards are valid for 60 days.

Parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to participate in and monitor their child’s library use. Library staff members do not restrict a child’s access to library collections. Parents or guardians are legally responsible for the fines/fees for minor children under 18 years of age.

Checking Out Without a Card
Patrons who do not have their library card when checking out materials may still be allowed borrowing privileges within certain limitations. They must present to staff a valid photo ID in place of their library card, and/or be able to provide personal details to confirm identity, including date of birth.

Library Card Associations

Library users can associate or link their library cards with other family members as a way to share account information. Parents may link their children without the child’s signature.

Adults choosing to link library cards have consented to the access of their private and confidential library use records with all parties linked. Each party requesting Adult associations may give consent independently to allow access by the other to their account. This consent may be given in writing with the details noted within the patron record.

Linking library accounts allows you to:

  •  Check the status of linked accounts
  •  Pick up reserve books
  •  Pay fines
  •  Check out items on linked cards
  •  Carry one card

If at any time a patron wishes to dissolve an association they must fill out a “HVL Request to Dissolve an Association” form. After the dissolution, the library will keep the paperwork on file. See the Library Confidentiality Policy for more information.


Material Borrowing Policies, Circulation Periods and Overdue Fines
Effective January 2021: Huntingdon Valley Library will not charge overdue fines for most overdue materials. We believe in personal responsibility and we trust that our patrons will continue to return items in a timely manner. New books, New movies, Lucky Day books, Museum passes, Video Games, Launchpads, Robot kits and Mobile hotspots will continue to have overdue fees attached due to the timeliness of their use. All other items will not accrue fines. See Loan Period Policy for details. No overdue fines does not mean no responsibility. Library users are responsible for returning or renewing items by the due date.

Due dates still apply. Borrowing privileges will be suspended and a patron will be billed a replacement cost and a $5.00 processing fee if materials are not returned within 4 weeks. Fees for items that are lost or destroyed will remain. Please refer to the Loan Period Policy for loan periods, limits, and fine information for Huntingdon Valley Library materials. No fines are charged when the libraries are closed.

Payment will be made to the owning library for any Replacement and Processing fees for materials borrowed from other MCLINC libraries and lost.

Details: A notice will be sent after library material is late. If the material is not returned within two weeks, a second notice will be sent. Bills will be issued when an item is 4 weeks late, and will include the cost of replacing each item and a $5 processing fee. Patrons who have been sent a bill shall be denied borrowing privileges until those overdue materials are either returned or paid for if lost and/or damaged.

Under Pennsylvania law, 18 Pa.C.S.A § 6709, it is a summary offense to retain library property after being notified to return it. In the event of theft or retention of library materials after notice to return, the Library may release to the appropriate law enforcement officers, court officers or collection agencies the relevant patron records, including the name and address of the person committing the offense and a list of materials stolen or retained with the replacement costs and associated fees and fines.


Huntingdon Valley Library will automatically renew eligible material that is checked out on your library card. This will only apply to Huntingdon Valley Library materials and other MCLINC libraries items that currently offer automatic renewal.

When will my item automatically renew?
Huntingdon Valley Library will attempt to renew your borrowed item three days before the due date. If successful, your loan period will be extended for 21 days from the existing due date, an additional full loan period.

How will I know if my item was renewed?
There are a few ways to find out an item’s due date:
– Within the courtesy notice emailed to you 3 days before the due date. Please opt-in to receive email notices if you haven’t already.
– Via your online account.
– By calling 215-947-5138 during library operating hours.

Why won’t my item Automatically Renew?
An item won’t Automatically Renew if:
– Another library user has requested it.
– The item is from another MCLINC library that currently does not offer autorenewal.
– The item has reached its maximum number of renewals (2 times for most items).
– Your account is expired.
– The item is a digital item, such as an ebook from Overdrive.
– The item is an InterLibrary Loan (ILL) item from a library outside of MCLINC.
If an item cannot be autorenewed you will receive an almost due reminder 4 days before the due

Materials may be renewed for the original loan period unless the item has been reserved by another patron. Renewal limits vary depending on the type of material, see the Loan Period Policy for more information. Extended loan periods on certain low demand titles owned by Huntingdon Valley Library may be made at the discretion of the library staff.

Materials may also be renewed in the Library with or without the item, online, or over the phone. To ensure accuracy of phone renewals, staff will ask for Library barcodes and/or ask the caller to provide personal details to confirm identity, including date of birth.

If the Library Catalog System is offline, the patron must come in with the item and a valid library card.

Lost or Damaged Materials
The cost of replacing lost materials is list price plus a processing fee of $5.00. An additional out-of-print charge of its fair market value may be assessed for items that cannot be replaced new. The cost to replace a children’s magazine is $5.00. The cost to replace a magazine from the adult collection is $10.00.

Huntingdon Valley Library will not accept replacement materials purchased by the customer unless special arrangements are made in advance with the Library Director.

If lost and paid materials are subsequently found, no reimbursement will be made; the item is yours to keep.

Block or Revocation of Library Privileges
Borrowing privileges may be revoked by the Library Director or the Board of Library Trustees for violation of library policies. Borrowing privileges will also be suspended when there are accumulated fines/fees of $30 or more. The patron may pay a minimum of $1.00 to reduce the overdue amount below the $30 threshold or make arrangements for an acceptable payment schedule.

Extended Lending Periods
For teachers:
Lower Moreland Township Residents who teach elsewhere and/or non-residents who teach at a school within the Lower Moreland Township may request an initial check out period of 5 weeks for low-demand materials to be used in the classroom or for instructional purposes. The renewal period will be the default for the material.

A block will be added to the patron account stating that, when requested, staff may set a Special Loan Period for the materials to be used in the classroom.

Extended loans on certain low-demand titles may be made at the discretion of the library staff. The number of such loans may be limited.

Reserves or Holds
Reserves or holds are taken on all Huntingdon Valley library materials except Lucky Day items and museum passes. Video games and Launchpad tablets may be held for pick up at Huntingdon Valley Library.  Hold notifications are sent via email or automated phone call. Books and other materials must be picked up within 7 days of notification. After 7 days, the Library may cancel the reserve and return the item to circulation.

Holds can only be checked out with the requestor library card unless an Association is in place.

Museum Passes

Museum passes are provided by the Friends of Huntingdon Valley Library and circulation is limited to active Friends members. Annual Friends membership dues can be paid at the Circulation desk at the time of check-out.  Passes are available on a first come, first served basis for 3-day loan with a limit of one per visit. Members may borrow the pass to a given museum no more than three (3) times per year. Passes cannot be renewed or reserved in advance. Late charges are $5 per day and the pass must be returned in person at the Circulation desk and cannot be returned to a book drop. Refer to the Friends Policy for Museum Pass Privileges for more details. (Board approved update 10/10/19)

E-Books and Digital Resources
The library’s digital collections have regulations as set by the vendors who provide them.  A patron must have a library card from either Huntingdon Valley or a participating Montgomery County MCLINC Library to access titles from the select databases, such as Libby, Learning Express, and Mango languages. Patrons holding cards from libraries outside of Montgomery County may use the digital collections of their home library.

Library Robots

Dash and Dot Robot kits are available to borrow by adult customers with accounts in good standing, without outstanding fines or overdue materials. Customers may only check out the Robot kits at the Huntingdon Valley Library. The kits must be returned directly to a staff member at this Library; a fine of $25 will be incurred if returned to another library. Robot kits may be placed on hold; however, they must be picked up and returned at the Huntingdon Valley Library. The replacement cost charged to customers for a lost, stolen, or long-overdue kit and case is $250. If damaged, the customer is responsible for the entire cost incurred by the library to replace the robots and/or the case up to the replacement cost of $250. Please refer to the Loan Period Policy for loan periods, limits, and fine information. The Dash and Dot robots require the customer to have a computer or device with Bluetooth capabilities to run the robots. The applications required are available online free of charge. No deposit is required, but customers must sign the Borrowing Agreement. Kits are limited to one per household. (New policy approved by the Board 10/10/19)

Mobile Hotspots

Mobile hotspot devices may be checked out to all patrons of the Huntingdon Valley Library who are at least 18 years of age and in good standing, without outstanding fines or overdue materials. Members may borrow the Mobile hotspot up to [6] times a year for a [1] week loan period. They may renew the hotspot once per loan period. This will not count as a second checkout. The overdue fee for Mobile hotspots is $5 per day. Lost Mobile hotspots will incur a $50 fine. Mobile hotspots are non-holdable, but if they are available when you call, we will check it out to your account for pickup that day. Patrons may only check out Mobile Hotspots at the Huntingdon Valley Library. The hotspots must be returned directly to a staff member at the Huntingdon Valley Library; a fine of $25 will be incurred if returned to another library. No deposit is required but customers must sign the Borrowing Agreement. Patrons must abide by Huntingdon Valley Library’s Internet Use Policy. Mobile Hotspots are funded by Friends of Huntingdon Valley Library. (New policy approved by the Board 11/4/20)

Telephone requests for information about materials checked out to patrons (adult or child) will be responded to only if the caller has the barcode number on the library card and/or ask the caller to provide personal details to confirm identity, including date of birth.

Associations or linked library cards are permitted. However, linking library records waives your privacy rights under PA 24 PS Section 4428 among the linked parties.

The library user has a right to know that all borrowing information will be kept confidential. The Huntingdon Valley Library will act in accordance with state laws to protect library user confidentiality.

Pennsylvania State Law mandates that:

“Records related to the circulation of the library materials which contain the names or other personally identifying details regarding the users of the state Library or any local library which is established or maintained under any law of the Commonwealth or the library of a university, college or educational institution chartered by the Commonwealth or the library of any public school or branch reading room, deposit station or agency operated in connection therewith, shall be confidential and shall not be made available to anyone except by court order in a criminal proceeding.”

(Section 4428. Library Circulation Records.)


Using the Library’s Computers
The library has public access computers available for use with Internet access and productivity software. Please refer to the Library’s Internet and Wireless policies.

The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right and inappropriate use will result in suspension, and eventually cancellation, of this privilege. Examples of inappropriate use include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Violation of computer system integrity by altering, removing or damaging configurations, hardware or software. (User will be responsible for any damage done to library equipment while using);
  • Unauthorized access to any computer system attempting to gain access to files, passwords or data of others;
  • Rebooting or turning the computers on or off, changing settings, or loading personal programs onto the computers;
  • Illegal or unethical use of the Internet.

All users must adhere to the Library’s Code of Conduct.

The Library will make reasonable efforts to protect the privacy of every user; however, this privilege cannot be guaranteed. Be aware that other people may read information you have entered into the Internet.

Violation of copyright laws – The Library is not liable for any consequences of copyright infringement. Federal copyright laws may protect some material on the Internet. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of Copyrighted materials is illegal, except as permitted by the principles of “fair use”. Generally, fair use of copyright materials is limited to copies made for personal use, private study, scholarship, or research. If the use of copyrighted material does not fall within fair use, permission must be obtained before any such use.

Wireless Network (Additional Information Here)

The Library’s wireless network is not secure and you use it at your own risk. You may not use the library’s wireless network to break the law, which includes downloading of copyrighted materials without proper permissions. The library is not responsible for keeping the network secure. The library assumes no responsibility for the safety or security of data or computers connected to the library’s network.

Customers may bring their own laptops or devices and connect to our open WiFi.

The Library’s Internet and Computer Use Policy and Guidelines forbid users to retrieve or use violent material or sexually explicit material as defined in Title 18 PaCS 5903. Wireless users in the Library are expected to respect the Library’s policy.


Reference Services and Test Proctoring

Reference services are provided for any person who enters or contacts the library during the hours the Library is open, regardless of residency.

The reference librarian will supply patrons with the information they retrieve from print and electronic resources as well as the name of the information source. They cannot offer opinions, interpretations, or advice. The staff is not legally qualified to offer legal, medical, or tax advice.

The Reference Librarian and/or Library Director will proctor examinations and tests for distance learners if the demands of the student and the institution fall within the criteria listed below and the procedures outlined are followed.

There is a fee of $15.00 to proctor an examination for a student engaged in distance learning. If postage is not included on envelopes provided by the college or university to return completed examinations, a postage fee will also be charged. The fee is due the day of the exam and may be paid by check (payable to Huntingdon Valley Library) or cash.

  • Tests are scheduled by the Reference librarian. Visit the Reference Desk in person or call 215-947-5138 to schedule a test date.
  • The examination must be taken during scheduled Library hours.
  • The student is responsible for calling the Library to verify that the exam has arrived prior to the exam date. The Library will not alert the student. Please call the Reference Desk (215-947-5138) to confirm.
  • Completed exams may be scanned and emailed to the college or university.
  • All mailing charges, photocopying, or other costs associated with the exam are the responsibility of the student.
  • Library staff will not take the completed exam to the post office, UPS, or FedEx mail drop. We will include the completed exam with our regularly scheduled outgoing mail. The student or institution must provide a self-addressed, postage paid envelope in which to mail the exam.
  • At the request of the institution, the Library will retain a copy of the exam for up to eight weeks. After that time, the copy will be destroyed.

Computer Courses and One-on-One Sessions

Computer courses and classes provided by the Library are free and open to the public. Registration will be required and the instructor may set minimum and maximum class size limits. Classes are advertised on the Library’s Calendar of Events at www.hvlibrary.org.

One-on-One private sessions will require a non-refundable fee, payable upon registration. Registration forms are available at the Circulation Desk. Cancellations need to be made 24 hours in advance. Failure to comply with this policy may result in forfeiture of future sessions. The fees are $5 for Lower Moreland Residents and $10 for non-residents.

Approved by the Board of Trustees: February 21, 2017; Updated and revised: October 10, 2019
HVL Service Policy REVISED Oct 2019 (.pdf)

Collection Development

The Library Collections

Our collections support the educational, leisure reading and general reference needs of the community. We base our acquisition decisions on the utility of the materials to the everyday needs of our patrons and their availability elsewhere. We support the economic health of Lower Moreland’s workforce by linking workers with materials on job opportunities, training and career advice. We provide resources that encourage innovation and entrepreneurship in our communities.

Purpose of the Collection Development Policy
+ To further the Mission of the Huntingdon Valley Library.
+ To guide librarians in the selection of materials.
+ To inform the public about the principles upon which selections are made.

General Collection Development Principles
The Huntingdon Valley Library is a public forum; a place where ideas and information are freely communicated, where a broad spectrum of opinion and a variety of viewpoints is presented in its collection, displays, programs and services and where all of these reflect both majority and minority cultures, the work of men and women, respect for young and old and the various lifestyles and abilities and diverse aspects of our society. The library strives to present materials representing all sides of an issue in a neutral, unbiased manner. The existence of a particular viewpoint in the collection is an expression of the library’s policy of intellectual freedom, not an endorsement of the particular point of view.
The Huntingdon Valley Library in general endorses the Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association, provided the content is not in conflict with any local library policies. Policies adopted by the Board of Trustees with our specific community needs in mind supersede any guidelines or policies recommended by national, state, or regional library organizations.

Responsibility for Selection

Library material selection is vested in the Library Director and such members of the staff who are qualified by reason of education and training. Any library material so selected shall be held to be selected by the Board of Trustees. Patron requests are also an important part of the selection process.

General Selection Criteria
These general criteria are taken into account for all materials selected for the Huntingdon Valley Library. Additional specific criteria are listed when appropriate for different types of materials. All items selected will meet several of the general or specific criteria.
+ Current and anticipated needs and interests of the public
+ Accuracy of content
+ Timeliness of information
+ Author’s, artist’s or publisher’s qualifications and/or reputation
+ Evaluations in review media
+ Contribution to diversity or breadth of collections
+ Inclusion of title in standard bibliographies or indexes
+ Receipt of or nomination for major awards or prizes
+ Quality of production
+ Affordability

Selection Tools
The library subscribes to several periodicals which are used as review and evaluation sources for material selection. Among these are:
+ Library Journal
+ Booklist
+ Publisher’s Weekly
+ New York Times Book Review

Adult Materials

Adult Fiction
The library provides a collection of standard and contemporary fiction titles as well as genre fiction for the intellectual enrichment, information, and entertainment needs and interests of the adult population of Lower Moreland. Due to budgetary and space constraints, multiple copies are usually not purchased; instead, patrons are provided additional copies through interlibrary loan when our copy is not available. Large print, audiocassette and compact disc copies of some popular titles are also available. A small rental book collection is also available to provide additional copies on in-demand bestsellers.

Special Criteria (in addition to General Criteria)
+ Collection’s need to reflect minority as well as majority cultures
+ Literary merit

Adult Nonfiction
The library maintains a collection of general interest nonfiction titles to provide for the information needs and browsing interests of library patrons. Materials for which there is heavy, temporary demand may be selected with less emphasis on the general criteria listed above.

Special Criteria (in addition to General Criteria)
+ Suitability for intended audience (research-level books not purchased)
+ Ease of use, including index, bibliography and illustrations

The library maintains a collection of magazines for informational and recreational reading. Most general periodicals are retained for three years. News magazines are retained for five years and historical news magazines for ten years. Some historical titles for which indexing is available and for which there is heavy demand are maintained indefinitely.

Special criteria (in addition to General Criteria)
+ Available indexing (lack of indexing will not exclude a title if it meets patrons needs)
+ Community interests as measured by requests
+ Availability of display shelving and storage space

Newspapers are selected to provide local, state, regional and national coverage. Local newspapers plus a selection of regional and national titles are purchased. Issues are retained for four months.

Reference Materials

Reference: Reference materials, whether in print or computer-based formats, are those designed by the arrangement and treatment of their subject matter to be consulted for definite items of information rather than to be read consecutively. They can provide quick, concise, and current information or they may serve as an index to other materials in the collection. Since they are typically used daily by the public and Library staff to answer specific questions, books in the reference collection are designated for use within the Library.

To a very limited extent, items not falling strictly within the reference format, but in high demand by library users, may be included in the reference collection to allow maximum use.

Special criteria (in addition to General Criteria)
+ Currency of the material
+ Thoroughness of coverage
+ Importance of subject matter to the collection
+ Ease of use (especially indexing)
+ Support of high school and university curricula

Reference Materials in Electronic Format
Most are currently provided through the state’s Power Library database and through the District Library Center.

Special Collections
The library attempts to be as inclusive as possible in obtaining books pertaining to the history, economic, social and cultural life of Lower Moreland and its surrounding region. The Old York Road Historical Society acts as a excellent source of referral for more in-depth research requests.

Young Adult Materials
The Huntingdon Valley Library’s young adult collection provides educational and recreational materials for young adults ages 14-18. Due to the wide range of tastes and abilities in this age group, there is some duplication between the young adult collection and both the adult and juvenile collections. Multiple copies of frequently requested titles, including series titles, are provided, particularly to support book discussion groups and required reading lists.

Young Adult Fiction

Special criteria (in addition to General Criteria)
+ Reputation and popularity of author or title among young adults
+ Presentation at a level and in a format that appeals to young adults
+ Inclusion of material on recommended or curriculum-related reading lists
+ Subject matter of special interest to young adults

Young Adult Nonfiction

Special criteria (in addition to General Criteria)
+ Presentation at a level and in a format that appeals to young adults
+ Usefulness of material for research
+ Subject matter of special interest to young adults

Children’s Materials
Children’s materials are selected to meet the recreational, educational and cultural needs of children from infancy through age 14. Additional materials are selected to assist adult caregivers with the changing needs of children. Multiple copies of frequently requested titles are provided.

Juvenile Fiction
The library maintains a variety of children’s fiction from the most distinguished in children’s literature to popular titles and new, enticing titles that will attract readers of many tastes and abilities. Popular series titles are purchased in response to patron requests.

Special criteria (in addition to General Criteria)
+ Appropriate reading level and interest level
+ Appeal of author, genre, series for children
+ Inclusion of material on recommended reading lists

Picture Books
These books, in which illustration is as important as text, serve to introduce children to the world of books. The library includes a wide variety for adults to read to toddlers and preschoolers and for children to look at and use as they begin to read. This collection includes beginning readers, concept books, wordless books and board books as well as picture books.

Special criteria (in addition to General Criteria)
+ Relationship of illustration to text
+ Appeal of story and illustration to children
+ Age appropriateness of art, text, topic
+ Durability of format

Juvenile Nonfiction
The juvenile nonfiction collection contains general informational works, browsing items and subject-oriented materials on topics of interest to children preschool age through sixth grade. The library does not provide basic texts or materials needed in quantity for schoolwork. It does, however, purchase supplementary materials to enrich the resources available at area schools.

Special criteria (in addition to General Criteria)
+ Suitability for intended audience
+ Ease of use, including index, bibliography and illustrations
+ Quality of illustrations, maps, graphics and photographs
+ Usefulness of material for research

Parent/Teacher Collection
Many of the materials in the Parent/Teacher collection are chosen for their usefulness in helping parents and other caregivers help their children understand and deal with the problems and situations of everyday life. These include both juvenile and adult titles. Additional materials are chosen to meet the needs of adults providing educational and recreational opportunities to groups of young children. Some duplication exists between this collection and the adult nonfiction materials. There is a wide selection of teaching material for the classroom, the home school, and the home.

Special criteria (in addition to General Criteria)
+ Suitability for intended audience

The realia collection enables children to have hands-on experiences through the use of puppets in the library setting. Puppets are selected as companions to children’s literature as well as toys.

Special criteria (in addition to General Criteria)
+ Durability of materials
+ Ability to clean and disinfect
+ Pieces large enough to avoid injury
+ Relationship to other material in a kit

Children’s Media
Computers in the children’s area are equipped with learning and recreational games for preschool through junior high. There is a varied collection of juvenile and young adult talking books and book and cassette or CD kits. Titles are selected for both classic and current relevance.

Computer Software
The library provides word processing, spreadsheet and educational software for use in the building on the public personal computers. Additional software is purchased based on the General Criteria.

Video Cassettes/DVD
The video/DVD collection informs and entertains library users of all ages. The emphasis of new title additions will be informational and instructional.

Special criteria (in addition to General Criteria)
+ Award winners
+ Production quality
+ Technical quality (audio and video integrity etc.)
+ Availability of Public Performance rights

The library actively collects and maintains a compact disc music collection in a broad range of styles and eras for both recreational and educational use.

Special criteria (in addition to General Criteria)
+ Excellence of interpretation and technique
+ Technical quality

The spoken audio collection, in cassette and compact disc formats, is intended to fill the recreational and informational needs of adults, young adults and children. Both abridged and unabridged formats are included but no attempt is made to provide a comprehensive or in-depth collection.

Special criteria (in addition to General Criteria)
+ Availability of replacement tapes
+ Quality of production (especially of the reader)

Controversial Materials

Public libraries preserve and enhance the people’s right to a broader range of ideas than those held by any one librarian, publisher or government. On occasion, there can be diverse opinions by individuals or groups as to what is acceptable or appropriate for the collection. Library collections are not limited to only those ideas and information one person or group believes to be true, good and proper.
The Board of Trustees believes that anyone is free to reject for himself/herself library materials of which he or she does not approve.

However, the individual cannot restrict the freedom of others to read, view or hear. Library Bill of Rights
Parents or legal guardians have the responsibility to guide and direct the reading, viewing or listening of their own minor children. The library does not take the place of the parent or guardian.

It is recognized that in a free society there will be different opinions as to what a library should and should not have in its collection. To allow full expression of patrons’ opinions and to consider their viewpoints, the following process will be followed in case of a disagreement by a patron with the library’s collection policy and/or acquisition of a specific item:

  • The Library Director will meet in a timely manner with any patron who has a complaint about the library’s collection policy and/or acquisition of a specific item. At the meeting the Library Director will listen to the complaint, review with the patron the policies under which the acquisition decision was made, and re-evaluate whether the acquisition falls within the standards of the collection policy.
  • In the event that a resident patron (a patron who lives in Lower Moreland Township) is dissatisfied with the results of the meeting, the patron can meet with the library Board of Directors to air his or her point of view.
  • A completed Huntingdon Valley Library Reconsideration of Library Materials Form must be submitted to the Library Director 14 days prior to the Board of Directors meeting.
  • In order for the Board to understand clearly the nature of the complaint, the patron must designate whether there is a disagreement with the collection policy or whether the objection is that the material in question does not meet the standards set in the collection policy.
  • The patron must appear in person at the meeting but may be accompanied by one other spokesperson.
  •  The Board will listen to your reconsideration request and respond to your complaint by taking one of the following actions:
    1. Retain the material in the collection
    2. Withdraw the material as requested
    3. Revise the collection development policy
    4. Defer action until the next Board meeting

Collection Maintenance
The collection is maintained and weeded through an ongoing process of collection analysis. Older items are repaired, withdrawn, or replaced based on the following:

  • The needs and interests of the community
  • Number of circulations, requests and reserves
  • Availability of similar materials in the collection
  • Affordability
  • Physical condition and age of the item
  • In-print status
  • Appearance in standard lists
  • Available space
  • Availability at other local libraries

Items discarded are given to the Friends of Huntingdon Valley Library for their book sales. The library will not withdraw an item simply because a patron wishes to purchase it.

Since libraries cannot meet all of the possible needs of their patrons with in-house materials, they belong to networks which give them access to collections of other libraries.
Huntingdon Valley Library is a member of MCLINC, a consortium of public library systems in Montgomery County and Access PA, a network of nearly 3,000 multitype libraries throughout the state.

Gifts are accepted but will be evaluated by the library staff and director using the same criteria as the materials purchased for the collection. Donated periodical subscriptions for which there is no indexing and which have limited appeal are marked “Complimentary” and no back files are kept. The library reserves the right to refuse any donations of materials. Donations not added to the collection are given to the Friends of Huntingdon Valley Library for their sales.



Public access to the internet is available to all users of the Huntingdon Valley Library on most library-owned computers and via a wireless connection for personal laptops and other wireless devices. The library provides internet access to support and expand the library’s role in providing information and educational resources in many formats. Anyone using library internet access is required to review and agree to the library’s Internet Use Agreement before using the internet at the Huntingdon Valley Library.

Responsibilities of Computer Users

Huntingdon Valley Library does not monitor the information accessed over the Internet. The Internet offers access to many valuable local, national and international sources of information. However, as with printed publications, not all sources available through the Internet provide accurate, complete or current information. A good information consumer evaluates the validity of information found.

Huntingdon Valley Library extends its privacy and confidentiality policy to all users of the internet. The following principles and user rights as delineated in the American Library Association’s Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks; an Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights are incorporated into this policy.

· Electronic information, services, and networks provided by libraries should be readily, equally, and equitably accessible to all library users.

· Libraries and librarians should not deny or limit access to information available via electronic resources because of its controversial content or because of personal beliefs or fear of confrontation.

· Information retrieved or utilized electronically should be considered constitutionally protected unless determined otherwise by a court with appropriate jurisdiction.

· Responsibility for a child’s use of the internet rests solely with their parents or legal guardians.

Huntingdon Valley Library, as required for compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, has installed content filtering software provided through MCLINC on all Library workstations to protect against access to images deemed harmful or inappropriate for minors. No filtering product is 100% effective and parents/guardians are urged to monitor their children’s activities. The filtering software may block access to sites with legitimate value. Adults (17 years and older) may request that the filters be disabled during their session. Such requests will be kept confidential. Huntingdon Valley Library does not restrict access to text materials and cannot protect computer users from information they may find offensive.

Huntingdon Valley Library does not assume any obligation to monitor patrons internet use.

Internet Use Agreement

Anyone making use of the internet via the Huntingdon Valley Library network or circulating wireless hotspots is expected to use the internet in a responsible and courteous manner, consistent with the purposes for which it is provided and to follow all rules, regulations and procedures established for its use.

Anyone who accesses the internet via the library’s network or circulating wireless hotspots must:

· Recognize that public workstations and laptops must be used in a manner that respects the rights of others and therefore should refrain from activity that prevents others from using the internet at the library.

· Not use the internet for any illegal activity or purpose.

· Not violate copyright or any other law.

· Not damage or alter the setup or configuration of the equipment or software used to access the internet.

· Refrain from the deliberate or reckless propagation of computer worms, malware or viruses.

· Refrain from the transmission of threatening, harassing, violent, obscene or abusive language or images using the internet, applications or email.

· Refrain from displaying Explicit sexual material, as defined Title 18, Section 5903 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (18 Pa.C.S. §5903), on computers in the library. Huntingdon Valley Library reserves the right to terminate any computer session where such material is displayed.

· Violations of the Internet Use Policy may result in loss of access or Library privileges.

Staff Assistance with the Internet and Technology

Staff may assist library users with use of the internet and library-supplied technology, including suggestions for effective search strategies. Library staff may also provide general assistance with personal electronic devices, particularly those that are used to access library-supplied digital content.

Guidelines for Use of Public Access Workstations and Mobile Devices

The library provides public workstations that can be used for internet access or other software applications on a first-come, first-served basis and/or by reservation. These rules govern the use of these shared resources.

· Cardholders can log onto internet workstations using the barcodes on their library cards. Library visitors may obtain guest passes at the Circulation desk.

· To ensure that computer time is equitably allocated among computer users, Huntingdon Valley Library uses EnvisionWare’s PC Reservation® – PC Access and Session Control software. A 30-minute time limit comes into effect when others are waiting. When computers are full, users may reserve the next available computer at the Library’s Reservation Station. Public computers are available from opening until 10 minutes before closing, when computers will be automatically shut down. To ensure the privacy of individual computer users, barcode information or data on Internet searches and software use is not tracked.

· Users may not alter or attempt to alter the setup or configuration of library computers (including software and peripherals).

· Users must supply their own electronic storage devices or may purchase these devices at the circulation desk and assume the risks inherent in saving from a publicly shared resource/workstation.

Public workstations are available without charge but there is a cost associated with printing.

The library is not responsible for any damage done to library users’ disks, data, hardware or software by any virus, malware or other harmful code that may have been contacted on or through library equipment.

Misuse of public workstations, software or the internet will result in the suspension of the privilege to use them.

Approved by the Board 4/13/2023

Social Media Policy for the Public

The Huntingdon Valley Library (HVL) recognizes the importance of social media.  We believe social media applications including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and blogs can contribute greatly to the library’s ability to provide information about news and programming in our library.  By taking full advantage of these applications we affirm the library’s mission.

Social media is defined as any web-based application or site that allows users to engage in a free exchange of information and ideas.  The Huntingdon Valley Library seeks to use these applications to promote programs, ideas and conversations that enhance the experience of all library users.

In accordance with this, please note the following general rules and provisos:

  • While the Huntingdon Valley Library encourages opinion and discussion, we will regularly review comments for content and relevancy.  The Library’s social media applications provide a moderated forum for its users. The Library reserves the right at its discretion to delete any comments made on any library-sponsored social media application that are abusive, violate copyright law, constitute commercial promotion or spam, are defamatory, offensive, profane, threatening, false, or libelous as to the library or any individual or entity, or that promote, foster or perpetrate discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, national original, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation.
  • Many applications allow users to become a “fan” or “like” or otherwise associate their own virtual profile with that of the library’s profile on these sites.  As with more traditional library resources, the library takes no responsibility for enforcing any restrictions which a parent or guardian may place on the use of these applications.
  • The Huntingdon Valley Library reserves the right to reproduce comments, posts, and messages in other venues.  For example, if a user posts a positive book review, we may quote from or reproduce the review on the library website, or in a newspaper or newsletter.  We will not use identifying information unless the user grants permission.
  • Library staff will regularly evaluate all HVL social media platforms for utility and quality and may decide to end use of a platform at any time without prior notice.
  • Interacting with in any Huntingdon Valley Library social media application constitutes agreement with our Internet Use Policy.
  • Customers postings on any social media site affiliated with HVL do not serve as formal requests for service from the library.
  • Comments by the public on HVL’s sites do not reflect in any way the opinions and position of the Library Board, staff, employees, and/or volunteers.
  • While Social Media is available 24/7, HVL will generally only monitor comments and postings during regular business hours.
  • When possible, “profanity filters” on social media platforms will always be set to “strong” for the Huntingdon Valley Library page, but these filters do not limit the discretion of the moderator to delete remarks that are deemed offensive.
  • HVL reserves the right to ban users for any violation of the above terms.
    1. Posts by violators will be removed.
    2. If the violation continues, the user will be blocked for one week.
    3. Repeated violations will result in blocking for up to one year.
    4. At the end of the blocking period, the user may request to be unblocked.
    5. Legal remedies may be sought.
    6. Appeal of removal or blocking decisions may be made in writing to the Director of Libraries within 30 days.
    7. Further appeals of removal or blocking decisions made by the Director may be submitted in writing to the HVL Board of Directors within 30 days.

Violations of this policy may be referred to the proper legal authorities.

Approved by the Board 9/12/19

Wireless Network Access Agreement

Huntingdon Valley Library offers free wireless access for use with personal notebooks, laptops and other mobile devices. These access points are unsecured. The Huntingdon Valley Library Internet Use Policy governs use of this service.

As with most wireless hotspots, the library’s wireless network is not secure. Any information transmitted to or from the library or library devices can potentially be intercepted by others. The library recommends using appropriate end-to-end encryption (such as TLS/SSL or HTTPS for Web traffic) when transmitting personal information such as any credit card numbers, passwords, personally identifying information or any other sensitive information when using library wireless access.

Library staff can assist users with connecting a personal device to the wireless network but cannot troubleshoot problems related to a specific wireless device or assist in making changes to a device’s network settings and/or hardware configuration. The library cannot guarantee that all devices will work with its
wireless access points, nor that there will be wireless internet available where hotspots are in use.

All wireless users should have up-to-date virus protection on their laptop computers and wireless devices. The library cannot be responsible for information that is compromised, or for any damage caused to hardware or software. All users are expected to use the library’s wireless access in a legal and responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which it is provided. Use of Huntingdon Valley Library’s wireless network and its electronic devices are each at the risk of the user. The library disclaims all liability for loss of confidential information or damages. Read more about our policy regarding internet use.

Approved by the Board 4/13/2023

Reconsideration of Library Material

Our Materials

The Board of Trustees of the Huntingdon Valley Library takes seriously all patron concerns involving our selection of materials. The following is our process for reevaluating materials:

1. Fill out a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form. You may drop the form off at the Circulation Desk or mail it to the Library Director at 625 Red Lion Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006.

2. You may request a copy of our Collection Development Policy at any time. The policy, as approved by the Huntingdon Valley Library Board of Trustees, indicates the criteria library staff uses to select material for the collection.

3. The Director will send you an acknowledgment that your form has been received. She will also indicate the time frame within which you can expect a written response.

The following procedure will then be followed in a formal complaint to the Board of Trustees:

In order to have your request for reconsideration of a library item placed on the agenda of the next Board Meeting that you can attend, you must submit the request to the Director at least 14 days in advance of the Board meeting. (The Board normally meets on the third Thursday of each month.)

The complainant must appear in person, but may be accompanied by another spokesperson.

The Board will listen to your reconsideration request and respond to your complaint by taking one of the following actions:

1. Retain the material in the collection

2. Withdraw the material as requested

3. Revise the collection development policy

4. Defer action until the next Board meeting

Unattended Children Policy

As a public library, one of our highest priorities is to foster a love of learning and reading in the young people of our community. Children are encouraged to use and enjoy the library, our collections, services and programs.  The Huntingdon Valley Library is also an open, public building where the well-being and safety of children left alone is a serious concern. Therefore, library staff will not assume the responsibility for the care or supervision of unattended children.

  1. Parents and other caregivers (age 16 or older) are required to supervise their children to ensure their safety and appropriate behavior in a public space. Library staff members are not responsible for supervising or insuring the safety of individual children. The library is not a substitute for a babysitter or daycare provider.
  2. Children under the age of ten (10) must be supervised by a responsible person while they are in the library even if they are attending a program. Parents or other responsible persons may be required to supervise older children if they create a disturbance in the library or disregard the rules of behavior.
  3. Children of any age with mental, physical, or emotional problems which necessitate supervision must be continually accompanied by a parent or other caregiver.
  4. Parents and caregivers are responsible for ensuring that children under the age of 14 are not left at the library at closing time without a way home. Adults should check library hours if they are providing transportation for children left alone at the library.
  5. When children are left unattended at closing, library staff will wait with the child and assist him or her to contact a parent or caregiver. Library staff will not drive children home. After 15 minutes, the police will be contacted to take custody of the child and a letter will be sent to the parent or legal guardian warning of the violation of library policy. A second incident will result in the library requiring that the child be accompanied by an adult during his or her library visits.


In most cases of inappropriate behavior a verbal warning will be given by a member of the staff.  If the behavior continues, the family will be asked to leave the Library.

Adopted October 13, 2016 by the Board of Trustees







