Book Worm Book Club, Wed., March 12, 5 pm

Join us for our book club for chapter book readers! We will discuss Bookmarks Are People Too!, the first book in the Here’s Hank series, by Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver, which was chosen at the February book club.
Wednesday, March 12
5-6 pm
Hoping to land the lead in the class play, Hank freezes during his audition and is only able to buzz like a fly, inspiring his teacher to create a special role for him as a silent bookmark that saves the show when a rival suffers an attack of stage fright.
Check out a copy of the book at our Circulation Desk. The group will also enjoy a book-related craft or activity.
This book club is for students in grades 1-3.
Registration is required. Click here to register.
Sponsored by the Friends of Huntingdon Valley Library.