Book Worm Book Club, Wed., Nov. 15, 4:45 pm

Join us for the next book club event for early chapter book readers! We will discuss Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid, the first book in the Stink series, by Megan McDonald.
Wednesday, November 15
4:45-5:45 pm
Every morning, Judy measures Stink, and it’s always the same: 3 feet, 8 inches tall. Stink feels like even the class newt is growing faster than he is. Then one day, the ruler reads 3 feet, 7 and three-quarter inches! Can it be? Is Stink shrinking? Stink tries everything to look like he’s growing, but wearing up-and-down stripes and spiking his hair don’t seem to be fooling anybody into thinking he’s taller. What would James Madison, Stink’s hero (and the shortest person to ever serve as President of the United States) do?
Ask for a copy of the book at our Circulation Desk any time before the event. The group will also enjoy a book-related craft or activity.
This book club recommended for students in grades 1-3.*
Registration is required. Click here to register.
*Readers in grade 3 should choose either this book club (early chapter books) or the League of Book Lovers (longer chapter books) based on current reading ability.
Sponsored by the Friends of Huntingdon Valley Library.