League of Book Lovers, Wed., Feb. 23, 6:30 pm

Join us for the next event of our book club for Juvenile Fiction chapter book readers! We will discuss science fiction novel The Lion of Mars by Jennifer L. Holm.
Wednesday, February 23
6:30-7:30 pm
In-person: Community Room
Check out a copy of the book at our Circulation Desk any time before the event. The group will also enjoy a book-related craft or activity.
This book club is recommended for students in grades 3-5.*
Registration is required. Masks are required.
Register Now!

Bell has spent his whole life–all eleven years of it–on Mars. But he’s still just a regular kid–he loves cats, any kind of cake, and is curious about the secrets the adults in the US colony are keeping. When a virus breaks out and the grown-ups all fall ill, Bell and the other children are the only ones who can help. It’s up to Bell–a regular kid in a very different world–to uncover the truth and save his family…and possibly unite an entire planet.
*Readers in grade 3 should choose either this book club (longer chapter books) or the Book Worm Book Club (early chapter books) based on current reading ability.