Character Design Workshop, Weds., Mar. 2 & 9, 4:30 pm

There’s more to drawing characters than a face and a costume. Keville Bowen’s Character Design Workshop will explore just that.
Learn various approaches to drawing faces. Understand the cultural differences for designing characters. Join in as Keville shares his secrets to drawing bodies. Keville Bowen is an artist, animator, and art instructor for youth.
2-Day Workshop
Wednesdays, March 2 & 9
4:30-6:30 pm
Virtual – Held via Zoom
Open to students in grades 3-8.
This is a supplemental class that will help students participating in the library’s Graphic Novel Contest to create their own graphic novels. You do not have to participate in the Contest in order to take the class.
Registration is required. Sign Up Today!
(One registration will sign you up for both classes.)