Library Trustee Opening

We are looking for a new Library Board Trustee to help guide the mission and vision of the Huntingdon Valley Library. Are you interested?
The Huntingdon Valley Library Board of Trustees is comprised of not fewer than five nor more than eleven voting members, including those appointed by the commissioners of Lower Moreland Township, who are residents of the Township.
- Determine the organization’s vision and mission
- Engage in long-range, strategic planning for the library in response to community needs
- Advocate and work for the betterment of library services for the community
- Enhance the organization’s public standing
- Work to obtain adequate funding for the library
- Monitor the effectiveness and financial well-being of the library, while protecting the library’s assets and providing appropriate financial budgeting and oversight
- Participate in fundraising events for the betterment of the library
- Develop, approve, monitor, and revise library policies to govern the library’s operations
- Select, hire, support, and evaluate a qualified library director to manage the day-to-day operations of the library
- Recruit and train a competent board of trustees
- Ensure legal and ethical integrity; ability to handle opposition and make decisions in the best interest of the library
Duties and Commitments:
- Trustee term limits are determined in the Bylaws of the organization
- Library Board meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of every month (except July) at 7:30 pm
- Trustees will be asked to join three (3) committees and attend meetings at convenient times
- Attends a majority of annual meetings and comes having read all board meeting minutes and other materials provided for consideration
- Knows and supports the basic library tenets such as Intellectual Freedom, Freedom to Read, Confidentiality of Patron Records, and the Library Bill of Rights
Skills and Knowledge Areas of Need:
- Commitment to the Library and the Community’s needs
- Non-profit and/or business management
- Facility planning and construction management
- Finance, accounting, and/or grant writing
- Personnel management
- Law
- Marketing and public relations
- Fundraising and resource development
- Technology
HV Library Board of Trustees Job Description and Application (.pdf)