Library Open for Grab and Go Visits

The Huntingdon Valley Library is open for Grab and Go visits for limited hours during the week. The number of patrons allowed in the building will be limited and we ask that visits be kept to 20 minutes. You will be required to wear a mask while inside the building. If you are unable to wear a mask, please contact the library for alternate delivery methods of library material. Contactless pick up will remain available. (Please contact us at 215-947-5138 to arrange a contactless pick up.)
Grab an Go Times
- Mondays: 12 pm to 4 pm.
- Tuesday and Wednesdays: 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
- Thursday, Friday and Saturdays: 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm.
- Sundays: 2 pm to 4 pm.
What can you do in the library?
- You can pick up holds and browse for items.
- You may use the copy machine.
- Computer use is available via scheduled times. Contact the library or visit our event calendar to reserve a computer session. Computer assistance is not available.
What is the library doing to keep people safe?
- Only the front door to the building will be open. Please park in the upper lot.
- We are limiting the number of people in the building at one time. You may have to wait if we have reached capacity.
- All children’s toys and most seating has been removed.
- All minors under the age of 12 must be attended by an adult at all times while in the library.
- Everyone in the library must wear a mask.
- Everyone in the library will maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet per CDC and state mandates.
- Several carts will be available for items you have handled and do not wish to check out.
- We have two self check stations available for your use.
How do I return items?
- Please return your items in the outdoor book drop.
Can I bring food or drink into the library?
- For your safety no food and drinks will be allowed in the building.
Can I book a meeting room?
- The meeting rooms are not available for rent at this time.
- All library events will continue to be held virtually.