Volunteers Needed: Design Task Force

The Library applied for and WON a grant for “assistance with the conceptual design for the renovation” of our existing facility from the Community Design Collaborative in Philadelphia.
As part of the process, we need to convene a Community Task Force of at least 20 people to help the team of seven (7) volunteers develop that conceptual design.
Are you interested in helping?
The Task Force will meet twice for 2-hours about 2 months apart. The first meeting will be to share ideas and “discuss the groups’ issues and concerns…and reach consensus in terms of [our] priorities for the renovation of the facility.” The second meeting will be a presentation of the preliminary scheme for feedback by the group.
If you want to be considered for the Task Force, please let us know by Thursday, December 27!
The design goal is “to create spaces that better serve the current needs of your many diverse user groups and to improve infrastructure in order to be more sustainable.” Translation: We want to renovate the library to serve us for the NEXT 20 years with a Teen/maker space, a circulation desk that doesn’t tower over children, and sustainable improvements so we are good environmental stewards (and have windows that don’t leak and faucets that turn off automatically).
The team of pro bono professional volunteers includes architects and interior designers; a graphic designer to help with signage; a structural engineer; a mechanical, electrical, plumbing engineer; and a cost estimator.
Using funds raised in 2016 as part of the Architect Appeal, we will provide $5,000 towards direct costs and receive $20,000 to $30,000 worth of design work pro bono, in return.
We are very excited about this opportunity. It’s a chance to sit down and discuss all of the many ideas, opportunities, and dreams we have for a renovated Huntingdon Valley Library.