Nov. 15 Posture and Movement

Posture and Movement: Living Without Pain and Keeping Disease Away

with Remi Lai, D.O.

Tuesday, November 15 at 6:30 pm | Friends Learning Lab

Posture and Movement: Living Without Pain & Keeping Disease Away

with Remi Lai, D.O.

Tuesday, November 15 at 6:30 pm | Friends Learning Lab

Living Without Pain & Keeping Disease Away
What Osteopathy Can Teach Us

remiclinicHave you ever wondered why so many people live in pain or are burdened by disease? There are many ideas to address these questions, but an often overlooked source for answers is the body itself. The study of osteopathy reveals that the body contains every drug and chemical it needs to survive and thrive. However, the forces of life can be blocked, thus pain and disease happen.
Come find out:

  • an old and new basis for pain and disease
  • how you can wake up with less pain
  • how you can keep pain away during the day
  • how to move with more ease and less strain

Speaker: Remi Lai, D.O.

Dr. Remi is an osteopathic physician specializing in osteopathic neuromusculoskeletal medicine and manipulation. He treats newborns, children and adults with various medical issues invovling pain, numbness/tingling, scar complications and more. He attended medical school and graduated from residency from Kirksville, MO. He now has a private clinic in Yardley, PA and is accepting new patients.

Interested to know more, visit the Remi Clinic and learn about the History of Osteopathy

Coming? Please RSVP.

OMT: Osteopathic manipulation treatment – hands-on system of treatment by physicians, designed to correct body dysfunction, eliminating or diminishing disease conditions.

Nov 15 Posture





