Nov. 1 Young Adult Book Club

Young adult readers in grades 7-12, join us to discuss the multi-award-winning Darius The Great is Not Okay, by Adib Khorram.  Stop by the circulation desk to pick up a copy of this outstanding book any time before the event. During book club we will have snacks, discussion and a book-related activity. Open to students in grades 7-12. Registration is requested – sign […]

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Teen Advisory Board Meeting

The first T.A.B meeting of the academic year will be Friday, September 27 at 3 pm.  Are you in 9th to 12th grade and need your service hours? Do you want to help the staff at Huntingdon Valley Library to brainstorm program ideas, prepare for events, and work on creative projects? Well, you can accomplish both by joining T.A.B. The […]

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