Friends Business Meeting & Program, Thurs., March 6, 12:30 pm

Friends of Huntingdon Valley Library welcome you to their monthly meeting!
We’d love to hear from you and share new ideas and learn all about us.
Thursday, Marc 6
12:30 pm
Following the Friends Business Meeting, Herb Kaufman will present Miracle Cures, Outlandish Remedies, and Victorian Medical Practices.
In popular media physicians and surgeons in the Victorian Era are usually portrayed as blood-soaked butchers who do nothing all day but unnecessarily amputate limbs from the poor, wounded soldiers, screaming in pain. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Medical practices as portrayed in the movies, on television and in many novels are created to excite and dramatize the event. While the medical practices were certainly naïve and unsophisticated by today’s standards, Victorian Era physicians truly worked tirelessly and diligently to heal the wounded and comfort the ill.
This presentation is intended to dispel the myths and explain the differences between the movies and the actual medical practices.
Actual period surgical instruments, medicines, and photographs are used to provide a first-hand look at Victorian era medical equipment.
Presented by Herb Kaufman.
Intended for adults.
Sponsored by the Friends of Huntingdon Valley Library.