Libraries Transform – 2019 Annual Appeal

2019 Annual AppealLibraries-Transform-Static-728x90

Because of YOU, Huntingdon Valley Library now offers more programs, newer technology, additional services, and serves as the community hub.

Because of storytime, a child learned to love reading over the summer.

We are grateful for the generous support of Lower Moreland Township and the Friends of Huntingdon Valley Library. We also apply for grants and advocate for increased state funding. But it’s your continued support that ensures we can respond to your needs. 

Because of the Friday movies, a retiree came to the library early to chat with her friends.

Use of the Library has steadily increased over the last seven years and in response, we have increased hours, programs, staff, and the collection.

Because of Summer Reading, a curious teen learned Java computer language from one of our exceptional staff.

2018 Donor jazzThank you for your generous support!


Sharon Moreland-Sender, Director

What is the impact of your donation?

  • A donation of $100 adds one new audiobook to the collection.
  • Support of $200 books a fun, family friendly puppet show.
  • A donation of $500 sends a staff member to a library conference.
  • A gift of $1,000 supports our renovation plans.
  • Any donation amount contributes to the Library’s mission of expanding programs and services

Donate Online Today

or Print Out 2019 Annual Appeal and
Mail a check to Huntingdon Valley Library
625 Red Lion Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

160818-librariestransform_fb_shareimage-4Does your employer offer a Matching Gifts program?  We will work with you to take advantage of the program.

Donor Recognition Page

  2019 Board:

  • Eleanor Schneider, President and former Commissioner
  • Jack Bernstein, Vice President
  • Judy Trichon, Treasurer
  • Miryam Roddy, Secretary
  • Gwenn Silver (January – May)
  • Jeff Rubin
  • Rita Kenney
  • Mitchell Fink
  • The late Ferdinand Gonzales, Commissioner

The Huntingdon Valley Library is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt organization. A copy of the registration and financial information may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling, toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999.  Registration does not imply endorsement.