Oct. 4 Lecture 1812: The First Civil War

Join us to learn the true history of the War of 1812, our first Civil War on Thursday, October 4 with Richard Hartman at 7 pm in the 2nd Floor Community Room.

The First Civil War

with Richard Hartman

Thursday, October 4 at 7 pm
2nd Floor Community Room

british allies1812: This war was actually the decisive end to the American Revolution. During the Revolutionary War, the turmoil and violence in the individual colonies fueled continuing divisions to determine just who would rule at home in each state. The War of 1812 was actually waged to determine who would govern all the states.

FREE and open to ALL

Registration is requested, but not required.  Call 215-947-5138 or RSVP online!

Richard Hartman – Accomplished public speaker working in retirement after 35 years in education in NJ and PA schools.  He provides students with historic information not usually found in most United States history textbooks.  A teacher for the Cheltenham Township Adult School.  In his career he has been an Actor, a Singer, a Librarian, a Director supervising the production of  both original videos and live events, and a Media Specialist.

Image: British allies fire their guns saluting the British commander of Fort Douglas

Image: Battle of Queenston Heights depicts the unsuccessful American landing on October 13, 1812. Artist Unknown.

1812 Oct 4