Sept 14 New Socrates Cafe Begins

Library Socrates Cafe

Join us with facilitator Robert Rubin, former Library Board President and seasoned discussion leader, for our new Socrates Cafe program.

Bob wants to help us give philosophy back to the people with discussions about truth, justice, and moderation.

For September, the question is:

Supreme Court Decision-Making:  What Should Be the Guiding Principle?

Download the Syllabus Today!

Philosophy discussion groups such as SOCRATES CAFÉ are forming in libraries, in bookstores, community centers, and in coffee shops, bringing together people with diverse experience, beliefs, and backgrounds.  Currently there are over 300 Socrates Cafes® throughout the world.

Please register so that we know how many philosophers to expect – Register Now!


Wednesday Sep 14, 2016
Oct. 19 | Nov. 9 | Dec. 14


10:30 AM  –  12:00 PM


Friends Learning Lab